Wednesday, October 22, 2014

i'm a.. fish

The fish swims a long 
But can only go so far 
She doesn’t know what’s above her
Or anywhere around her 
She just pushes herself forward 
Because it’s easier than going back
The cat walks the land 
And can hear and see all that is around him
He knows the land 
He knows the sky
He can turn back when he wants
The cat so easily toys with the fish
For the fish is amazed 
By this other world 
That breaks though her glossy world
Her world of confusion
She wants to know of this world 
The one above
Where it’s so easy to turn back
The cat rules the world
He knows the fish and it’s easily distracted ways
She only wants to know
To understand the world 
He only wants her
The fish always get swallowed up by the cat, for she would do anything to please him
—  Me

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