Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Catching up

My niggas, how've you been? 
I've been great, was doing a lot of work, was trying to earn afew big bucks. 

I learnt a lot, it was a tough ride. 

Well & anyways, through this tough period I've come into clearer vision on whoever's worth my time, worth the company & the love. 

Thankyou guys, I never knew I had all of y'all backs.

& I love y'all so much. 
& to the person who met me at my worst, & persevered through the tough times I have enchanced about on him, I'm thankful that I've somehow opened a little side of you, into letting me into your life, to your sweetness & your love. 

It's a little too early to say it but the feelings are strong & I mean what I say no matter what the future will look like, but then again I don't wanna think that deep into it yet.

I'm currently funemployed, well I'm just a student now. Doing features, little collaborations & commission works that won't do nuts. 

I'll be fine.
& I will find a way up there again.
Focus on school, focus on the free life.
Work will always come, but my youth will fade off. 

That's all I need.

Then again, I need to act on being super sweet. Pepek came down all the way from school last Monday just because j was super frustrated about work. Ngee Ann rugby room to compassvale drive. Damn it darling, you nailed it. 

Almost tried throwing pebbles at my window, nigga thank god he didn't. 

He's the cutest thing alive as of now, & he's the sweetest & most logical (as of now) speaker when he has to be,  he knows his balance(hopefully), he knows his priority. 

& im just really lucky to be one of them.
I always say that you're the lucky one but I guess, it's me. 

It's definitely me, because I'm stuck here on my bed falling asleep tying this wile Ben & Megan are on my right. 

I need to get rest. Goodnight 

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