Sunday, January 31, 2016

The world is so beautiful, oh I wished it's beauty could satisfy us too.

I'm so worn out. So tired. 

"When we love something, isn't it as if we've grow hands, especially to hold them?" 

It's honestly been so tiring since the start of the year. I swear and I pray pray to god knows what I'm praying for. I pray that we get things through just so things can get better. 

I always promise to make things better but I think I've been ding it wrong and it's honestly so tedious to start over. How I always get motivation from seeing pekz, how I would always feel happy when he asks me out. All these little things accumulate and they motivate me, likewise, all the little things I get in the whole week accumulate and they demoralised me. 

Is it really normal to only have a few Friend spread out of the blue. Not having a stable source of happiness & comfort it's pretty.. Draining. 

I'm so grateful to have pekz in my life, really. 
I know it sounds stupid, a 19 year old having only her Boyfriend to save her from all the times she could've drowned. 

But I guess I can't help it for now & I'll start getting back on my feet again. I tried though, I did. It lasted 2 weeks. & I wasn't this dependent at the start. 

What should i do?

I wished I knew all the right answers
Everything is so cluttered up & I can't put them into words. How frustrating. 

I don't even know why I feel sad, am I just tired? 

I spent the last few days at pekz' tho, it was nice. Having someone I love there with me the whole day, to be there for me , or in fact knowing that ill go home to him. It was so comforting. The birthday party, the dinner with Shuxin, it all ended well when I went back to him & it all felt so good again. It wasn't even about seeing him enough anymore. It was about spending the entire day out doing what I had to do, indulged in the comfort that I eventually have him to hold at night when everything's done. & it repeats. 

Maybe it's because it stopped today maybe that's why I'm sad. Geez do I sound clingy? I'm getting clingy again am I. 

I tried my sleeping pill last night and I honestly think it must be the reason why I'm still so tired because I've felt drowsy since the morning & ive not had a good sleep cause of how Shaun usually sleeps. 

I tried doing more work but I was so drowsy. I'll stop taking those pills for now. 

And honestly I haven't been posting up any pictures for Instagram for almost a week and I feel so so unproductive. 

Maybe I could blame myself for surrounding myself with people who are negative. 

In not pointing fingers, but it has definitely drained me, & killed a little of my drive & positivity at the very least. 

I'm sorry, I just wanted to be there, but I might've neglected myself. Can I take a break now? 

Honestly, I don't know why I'm typing all these. Maybe cause it makes me feel better. I don't even know what I'm feeling like am I upset about something? Am I sad? Angry? I can't explain it, it's weird. 

I'm so.. Tired though. 
The night before tho I was looking out of the window and I thought to myself, Boon Lay is such a pretty place, but I feel so isolated & so loved at the same time, I feel weird. & as I drifted off I thought about all the other prett things in this world & dear lord I wished this beauty  planet could fill me. I'm not unhappy, I'm very ok. I'm just thinking well maybe, just maybe it could do something. 

Maybe I could find the strength to get my shit together. Thinking bout what I could do, & what would result from anything, it doesn't motivate me quite as much anymore, maybe I've drifted a little too far away & I just need more time to readjust back into what I want. 

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